What if there was a platform that could find you the right place to live in, the right people to live with and all you had to do was Move-In?

From your first roommate, your first living space and the ideal furniture in your new found home.
Move-in is a one stop integrated solution for students to make the most burden-free transition to a home away from home.
A vetted market to find a home and a service to furnish your living space with basic amenities tailored to your liking.
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We emphasize heavily on making the most accurate matches to find you a suitable housemate. Our algorithm is programmed to process your preferences to produce the most relevant match based on your input.

Meet Our Team

Abhilash Sharma

Abhilash Sharma

The Chief


Kevin Lauren Abraham

The Vision

Garrett Travis

Garrett Travis

The Quick Books

Abhishek Sharma

Abhishek Sharma

The Tech
